Taylor Swift Tag

In celebration of the Reputation Stadium Tour starting in 2 days, I thought this would be appropriate.

I wasn’t tagged for this, but I believe it originated from Kat, owner of Katytastic on YouTube.

**Note: I removed some of the questions and updated them with some newer songs. All of the questions added by me will have a ** beside them, indicating they were not part of the original tag.

We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

Pick a book or series that you were pretty sure you were in love with, but then wanted to break up with.

Panic by Lauren Oliver
Panic by Lauren Oliver

—For some reason I just remember thinking this book would be the coolest, so I guess I had high-hopes from the beginning. When I was done with it, I knew I was disappointed, but was like “it was such a cool concept, so that saves it.” But, three years later, I have realized “a cool concept” is not a saving grace, haha.



Pick a book with a RED cover.

The Catcher in the Rye cover
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

— You already knew this is going to be on here somewhere, haha. Just…go read it if you haven’t.

The Best Day

Pick a book that makes you feel nostalgic.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas
Throne of Glass by Sara J. Maas

—When I read this, I was sitting on the beach with sand between my toes.


**This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

Pick a book you feel shames its genre.

13 reasons why
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

—Glorifies Suicide (check), glorifies rape (check), boring as hell (check)… For someone who was just getting into contemporary at the time, thanks for putting a bad taste in my mouth.

I Knew You Were Trouble

Pick a book with a bad character you couldn’t help but love.

Winter by Marissa Meyer
Winter by Marissa Meyer



 Pick a book that someone ruined the ending for.

Burned by Ellen Hopkins
Burned by Ellen Hopkins

—Some blog spoiled it 100 pages in…yay.

**Don’t Blame Me

Pick a popular book that you couldn’t finish.

City of Bones
City of Bones by Cassandra Calire

—Sorry, not sorry universe.

You Belong With Me

Pick your most anticipated book release.

Kingdon of Ash
Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas


**Getaway Car

Pick a book with a badass main character.

Name of the Wind
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfus

—Kvothe is the baddest it gets.


Come Back, Be Here

Pick the book you would least like to lend out, for fear of missing it too much.

You get so alone sometimes it just makes sense
You Get So Alone Sometimes That It Just Makes Sense by Charles Bukowski

—Ha. Try and take this from me.


I’m only going to tag 1 since I’m about to tag 3 below, haha.  But, please, feel free to do this tag! 

— Sara @ The Bibliophagist (sorry I was so quick to get ya’ back)

3 days, 3 tags

I was tagged by Sara @ The Bibliophagist !! Thank you for being so kind to me ! Your blog is amazing !!

The Rules
1. Thank the person who nominated you
2. Post a quote for 3 consecutive days (1 quote for each day)
3. Nominate three new bloggers each day

This quote is slightly depressing, but it has been stuck with me for a very long time.

“No one can hate you with more intensity than someone who used to love you.”

–Rick Riordan, Blood of Olympus

This quote, to me, is so intense, and really sticks with me, especially when I’m reading or writing and come across a hateful relationship between two characters. It just really gets me thinking about if there was ever love to begin with.


Simone @ Simone and Her Books


Ceara @ ReadingArsenal



3 thoughts on “TAYLOR SWIFT BOOK TAG & 3 DAYS, 3 QUOTES TAG (Day 1)

  1. Pingback: Book tags: 3 Days, 3 Quotes [Day 3] + Taylor Swift! + Unique Blogger Award – The Bibliophagist

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